Small Acts of Support

Written for the 4/1 MAEKAN Briefing.

As we come into the second year of this new, unsettling reality, I've been reflecting on some of the emerging practices that have been most enjoyable. One that stands out above nearly all else (besides not having a commute) is sharing music with friends.

I grew up playing in bands in a time when PureVolume links were a form of social currency. Sharing something you discovered with a friend was like opening up a part of yourself that you didn't know how to express.

Early last year — before Zoom fatigue hit — I did some "coworking" with friends which was effectively us working silently with video on, while someone had music running in the background.

We'd chat occasionally, but the goal was to simulate the environments we used to be in - offices, coffee shops, each other's apartments, etc. As the pandemic crept on and I wanted to show my face less, a different habit emerged - sharing music recommendations.

This is not the typical "check out this album that just came out," but something that felt more akin to making a mixtape for each other - friends would recommend me a song or artist based on an activity that was coming up. "I have to head out to cook" was followed by "here's something I've enjoyed playing in the background at dinner." "I need to really focus on this project" was met with "this playlist has been the best thing for me late at night to hit a deadline."

Sharing music became a way to support each other when the options felt limited. It's a small gift in a time where gifts feel anything but small. It's something I've come to treasure and try to practice more on my own.

If you want a rec, or have one to share, visit us in #music on the MAEKAN Discord.


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